Christmas Party 2021

Saturday December 11, 2021

The FBCC Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 11 at at City Range Restaurant in Greenville, 615 Haywood Rd, beginning at 6:00 pm. Attendance is limited to the first 90 people that make a reservation and pay for their meal. All payments must be received by December 1.

Pricing includes all service fees, tax and tip. Use the online form on this page to make your reservation and payment using PayPal.  We prefer PayPal but payment may also be made by USPS mail using the following link to a printable form.
Reservation Form

If using the mail-in form, make your check payable to Foothills British Car Club.
Mail to: FBCC Treasurer, 103 Croft St., Greenville, SC 29609.

Make your selection from the entrées listed below. All entrées include two sides: baked potato and asparagus. Choice of Caesar salad or Crab Bisque are also included (to be selected at the restaurant.)

Dessert is optional. You may choose between the Turtle Cheesecake or Strawberry Shortcake on the menu list below. Coffee, tea or soft drinks are included in the price of the entrée. Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase at event.


  1. The shopping cart is at the bottom of the page.
  2. The shopping cart is empty until you click any of the “Add To Cart” buttons to add items into the cart.
  3. If you make a mistake, click the trash can icon in the shopping cart to remove an item.
  4. After you have reviewed the shopping cart for accuracy, click the yellow “Check Out With PayPal” button to make your payment.
6 oz. Filet Mignon & Salad or Bisque.
$59.85 each
Example: If you want 2 Filet Mignon dinners, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


Bourbon Pecan Chicken & Salad or Bisque.
$50.95 each
Example: If you want 2 Pecan Chicken dinners, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


Maryland Crab Cakes & Salad or Bisque.
$50.95 each
Example: If you want 2 Crab Cake dinners, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


Salmon Mojito & Salad or Bisque.
$34.80 each
Example: If you want 2 Salmon Mojito dinners, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


Turtle Cheesecake.
$8.16 each
Example: If you want 2 Cheesecakes, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


Strawberry Shortcake.
$8.16 each
Example: If you want 2 Shortcakes, click the button twice to update your shopping cart.


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